Which Difficult Path Will You Choose
May 14, 2024Hello, hello, hello…good to see you!
Please join us for the next Trauma Book Book Club class and I will be teaching from The Body Keeps the Score on the CPTSD brain’s tug-of-war and teach 2 tools about how we attract each other at our level of mental health. You don’t have to attend live; you can watch the recording later.
Magical Lesson:
Below is an excerpt and image from my book, The Irreverent Trust Guide: How to Trust Again After You’ve Been F*cked Up By Trauma. I keep mentioning this image on IG because I often hear people, including myself, mad and frustrated that we have to do this work. I like to remind myself that I might as well take the hard path that gives me a future and a self.
For me, living from my unchecked trauma responses is painful and uncomfortable, and learning a new, healthy, and healed way to cope is also painful and uncomfortable. I choose the difficulty of the new way only because the life consequences of living from the trauma responses suck. Advanced Personal Growth Work gives us the things we lost in childhood. It gives us back our trust; trust in life, trust in safe people, trust in our process, and most importantly, trust in ourselves. But for me, it gets even better because I, and a whole lot of other Advanced Bitches, have found that when you choose the hard way of using tools and healing, life becomes magical AF.
Magical Action Step*:
Think of a problem that you’re having with another person. Use the Ladder of Trust (free videos on YouTube available here if you don’t have the book) and see if you get your answer to the problem. The Ladder of Trust not only helps me understand my relationships better but gives me the action (or non-action) step to proceed. Let me know how it goes! If you have an issue that you’d like my help in using the Ladder of Trust with, reply to this email or DM me on IG.
*Disclaimer: Although I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, I offer these Advanced Lessons in Personal Growth and Magical Action Step as a CPTSD Kid who is doing the work to heal and sharing the magic I learn along the way. In the 12 step world, we call that sharing our experience, strength, and hope. This is not intended to be psychotherapy. Some of the lessons and assignments could be triggering, so I recommend if you do find them triggering to stop reading/not try them and to immediately seek the support and expertise of a professional psychotherapist.
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