Fairy Dusted Blog

Judgmental Recovery advanced personal growth techniques for cptsd advanced personal growth work healing from trauma imposter syndrome guide overcoming imposter syndrome trauma healing and self-growth Oct 01, 2024

Hello, hello, hello…good to see you!

Look! A Testimonial for my Irreverent Imposter Syndrome Guide:

This class was so good and so helpful and so real I didn’t want it to end! So I watched it all a second time :)  If you struggle with showing up as yourself, Elizabeth’s...

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Your Life Purpose Finds You advanced personal growth techniques for cptsd cptsd healing imposter syndrome tools for trauma healing Aug 06, 2024

The Irreverent Imposter Syndrome Guide deconstructs Imposter Syndrome so you can be yourself and not an imposter anymore.  One side effect of less imposter syndrome is More You!!!!  The Modules:

  1. Imposter Syndrome is a Part of You (Not all of you!)
  2. Imposter Syndrome is a...
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Closure is Not a Thing advanced personal growth techniques for cptsd overcoming the need for closure in trauma healing understanding closure in cptsd and ptsd recovery Apr 30, 2024

Hello, hello, hello…good to see you!

Magical Lesson:

My next few lessons will be on the ever elusive “closure” we’re looking for.

The first thing to know about closure is seeking it outside of yourself is not a thing. Here are some things that people use the word closure...

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