Fairy Dusted Blog

Judgmental Recovery advanced personal growth techniques for cptsd advanced personal growth work healing from trauma imposter syndrome guide overcoming imposter syndrome trauma healing and self-growth Oct 01, 2024

Hello, hello, hello…good to see you!

Look! A Testimonial for my Irreverent Imposter Syndrome Guide:

This class was so good and so helpful and so real I didn’t want it to end! So I watched it all a second time :)  If you struggle with showing up as yourself, Elizabeth’s...

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What Being Authentic Really Means advanced personal growth work cptsd Apr 19, 2022

I used to think of authenticity as one of my highest values, but now I know I got it all wrong.  I thought I was being authentic and prided myself on it – maybe even felt a little superior about possessing the quality.  This weekend I had two separate moments of wisdom, magic and...

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